The goal of the résumé is to get you a job interview. Once you secure an interview, researching and preparing for the interview is important. Like studying for a test, some of the information you can prepare ahead of time — and some of it is important to review just to be better prepared in general.
Believe it or not, many job candidates don’t prepare for job interviews. Spending just 30-60 minutes (at a minimum) can improve your chances of securing a job offer.
This may seem shocking, as many professionals state that the interview process gives them anxiety. Job interviews can be very nerve wracking experiences. You don't know what is going to be asked, you want to come across professional, confident and self-assured, and you want to give all the right answers!
Preparation is key to accomplishing a successful interview.
The Jobseeker's Guide to Preparing for the Interview is an indespensible resource for ensuring you are fully prepared on the day of your interview.
It contains helpful advice, tips, and guidance on what to do to set you up for success.
It also contains checklists and worksheets to ensure you've done your due diligence before you attend your job interview.
After your interview is over, this eBook provides you with the tools and knowledge you need to properly navigate the next steps to increase your chances of a job offer.
Get your copy now!
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